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"I love beginnings, despite the fear and uncertainty they bring. When I have won for myself a joy or reward, or when I wish that something had not happened, when I want to deny an experience the right to remain in my past--in such moments, I begin. And what do I do? I simply begin. I've already begun a thousand lives like this. I feel as though a whole generation must come to fulfill all these lives so that they won't remain unfinished."
Rainer Maria Rilke, cited in "To Be a Beginner" from You Are the Future: Living the Questions with Rainer Maria Rilke
*** A MIDCOAST MAINE EVENT: "'DESIRE THE CHANGE': EXPLORING RILKE'S SONNETS TO ORPHEUS": a four-week evening course (Jan. 9 - 30, 2025 at the Camden Hills High School), 6 - 8 pm. Explore this poetic masterpiece, a cycle of fifty-five poems, which Rilke wrote as if to Orpheus, the god-like figure of ancient legends whose song enchanted the creatures. Here, he faces the inevitability of loss and grief, seeking to find a way to praise in the midst of it all as he traces how we might live abundantly in a disordered world. These Sonnets invite us to turn from the hurried world of “acting without vision,” reminding us how we might inhabit our own lives with greater spaciousness and hope. This course will focus primarily on these poems, drawing on my newly published version of this celebrated collection. It is meant for those who “desire the change,” as Rilke put it in one of these poems. Open to all—beginners and seasoned readers of Rilke—regardless of familiarity with the poet’s work. For information and to register, click here.
*** GOD BEYOND GOD: MEISTER ECKHART'S RADICAL VISION OF FREEING FAITH. An online ZOOM course on Tuesdays, Feb. 4 - 25, 2025, 7 - 9 pm (EDT)
This is a weekly Zoom course intended for those who want to risk going beyond the faith of settled “doctrine,” guided by the writings of a medieval mystic who reminds us that our journey into the mystery of God and self ultimately brings us not to language but to silence. If you find this concept intriguing, even alluring, this course might be the right one for you. For more information and to register, click here.
*** EVERYTHING MATTERS: EXPLORING THE CREATIVE IMAGINATION WITH RAINER MARIA RILKE: a poetry craft-talk on Thursday, March 20, 2025 (2 - 3:30 pm EDT)
Explore the imaginative world that lives in Rilke’s poems and how this might enliven us in our lives--and writing. We will consider what Rilke meant when he insisted that “poems are not feelings, but experiences,” and what it means to encounter poems with that in mind. Rilke also insisted that everything, to the minutest of things, was alive as part of what he called “the Whole,” and thus that everything mattered. His poems encourage us to widen the lens of our perception to the point that we begin to see that—and how—“everything matters” in our lives and in the world we inhabit together. For more information and to register, click here.
*** "LIVING THE QUESTIONS AND DARING THE PRESENT WITH RAINER MARIA RILKE" An onsite retreat at the Bonnevaux Retreat Centre, near Poitiers, France - 29 April - 4 May, 2025.
Rilke belongs to the handful of poets whose writings have had a shaping influence on the cultures of Modernity, and this year marks the 150th anniversary of his birth (1875 – 1926). Many will remember the epiphanies they experienced when they read his Letters to a Young Poet in which he famously advised us not to seek answers but rather dare to “live the questions.” His poems—from his early Book of Hours (1905) to his last two collections, The Sonnets to Orpheus and The Duino Elegies (1923)—do just this: they invite us to live into what he described as “the Open.” To embrace the mysteries that are always close at hand. To accept the “here-ness” and “once-ness” of this life as an invitation. And to discover how we belong to what he came to call “the Whole.” For more information and to register, click here.
* TO LISTEN TO MY RECENT CONVERSATION about my new books, The Wandering Radiance: Selected Poems of Hilde Domin and Meister Eckhart's Book of Darkness and Light, WITH LISA DELAY ("SPARK MY MUSE" PODCAST), click here.
* * TO LISTEN TO THE RECENT "POETS CORNER" CONVERSATION (April 2, 2023) ON The Wandering Radiance, with Marion Tauschwitz, Christopher Nelson, and Hilary Davies, click here.