“’Betrothed to the Earth’: Rainer Maria Rilke’s Poetics as an Invitation to Wonder,” in Festschrift in Honor of Pétur Pétursson (Reykjavik, Iceland, forthcoming in 2020).

“Transfigurations of Love: Beauty, Desire, and the Union with God,” in Studia Theologica Islandica 49 (2019)

“Epiphanies in the Ordinary: The Wondering of Poets in a Destitute Age,” in In Wonder, Love and Praise. Approaches to Poetry, Theology and Philosophy, ed. by Martin Potter, Jean Ward and Małgorzeta Grzegorzewska. Berlin, Oxford, and New York: Peter Lang, 2019: pp. 87 – 99.

“Trump und die religiöse Rechte in den USA: heute und gestern. Und morgen?“ in Amos 51: 1 (2019): 8 – 9.

“Warum ich schreibe“ and 7 poems. 10 Jahre Bochumer Literaten. Einblicke in die Werkstatt. Edited by Ralph Köhnen. Bochum and Freiburg i.B.: Projekt Verlag, 2018; pp. 47 – 57.

“Einführung,“ in Gotthard Fermor, Ed., Rainer Maria Rilke, Das Buch von der Armut und vom Tode. Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlag, 2018. Pp. 10 – 21.

“Two psalms.” English translations of poems by SAID. Oneing 6:1 (2018): 91 – 92.

“In Defense of Anger: The ‘Creative Extremism’ of Justice and the Prophetic Call for Change,” in Oneing 6:1 (2018): 55 – 62.

“Einführung,” in Gotthard Fermor, Ed., Rainer Maria Rilke, Das Buch von der Pilgerschaft. Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlag, 2016.

“A Sense of Presence,” Introduction to The Paraclete Poetry Anthology. Brewster, MA: Paraclete Press, 2016, xi – xxvii.

“Epiphanies of Mystery: On Hearing the Music of Silence at the Boundaries of Tradition,” Spiritus 16 (2016): 257 – 65.

“Seeing Through Words: Poetry as a Visual Art,” Arts (2016): 38 – 48.

“Henry David Thoreau – Grasping the Community of the World: A Review Essay,” The Polish Journal of American Studies 10 (2016).

“Through the Looking Glass,” The Dublin Review of Books 83 (November, 2016).

“Dreaming Beside the River: The Mississippi as American Vernacular,” in Southern Quarterly (2016)

 “The Heart-Work of Poems in an Often Heartless Age.” The Dublin Review of Books (2016).

“Listening into the Heart’s Silences.” In Weavings 31 (2016): 26 – 30.

“’The Poet Alone Unites the World’: The Poetics of Praise in Rainer Maria Rilke’s The Duino Elegies.” In Literature and Theology 29 (2015): 415 – 30.

 “The Torn Flesh of Love.” In Weavings 30 (2015): 31 – 36.

Like a Word Still Ripening in the Silences”: Rainer Maria Rilke and the Transformations of Poetry. In Poetic Revelations. Word Made Flesh Made Word. Vol. 3, The Power of the Word. Edited by Mark S. Burrows, Jean Ward, and Małgosia Grzegorzewska. London: Ashgate, 2015.

“’Prayer Is the Little Implement’: Poetic Speech and the Gestures of Prayer in Christian Traditions.” In Poetry and Prayer. Vol. 2, The Power of the Word. Edited by Francesca Bugliani Knox and John Took. London: Ashgate, 2015.

“’There Is a Verge of the Mind’: Imagination and Mystical Gesture in Rilke’s Later Poems. Poetry and the Religious Imagination. Vol. 1, The Power of the Word. Edited by Francesca Bugliani-Knox and David Lonsdale. London: Ashgate, 2015.

“Einführung,” Rainer Maria Rilke, Das Buch vom mönchischen Leben. Edited by Gotthard Fermor. Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus, 2014.

“’Es muss neu gespielt werden’. Poetische Grundlagen einer zukunftsschenkenden Gemeindepädagogik,“ in Spiritualität interdisziplinär. Edited by Bernd Beuscher and Hildegard Mogge-Grotjahn. Berlin: Lit Verlag, 2014.

“A Grace of Sense,” in Spiritus 13 (2013): 235 – 38.

“Five Psalms.” Translations of poems by SAID, in Almost Island (2013). (http://almostisland.com/monsoon_2013/poetry/psalms.php

“Four Psalms.” Translations of poems by SAID, Seminary Ridge Review 15 (2013): 117 – 120. “The Energy of Poetry in a Culture of Saturation,” ARTS. A Journal of the Society for the Arts in Religious and Theological Studies. 24:2 (2013).  At:   http://www.societyarts.org/images/stories/ARTS/online_issues/242/ARTS_24_2_2013_Burrows_Energy_of_Poetry.pdf

“The Waking Heart” Weavings 27 (2013).

“Love Is a Direction,” with John H. Ohlson, Jr., in Weavings 27 (August, 2012): 11 – 17.

“Five Psalms.” Translations, with Translator’s Statement, of poems by Iranian-German poet SAID, in Poetry 199: 6 (March, 2012): 542 – 48.

“A Passion That We Feel,” in Weavings 26 (2011): 7 – 13.

“’Not Enough Silence’ and the Real Absence of God in Evangelical Worship,” in Boston Theological Institute Journal 10 (2011): 18 – 21.

“Foreword,” Seasons of a New Heart. Poets Corner Anthology (Adelaide, South Australia: ELC Publications, 2010), 1 – 2.

“Bernard of Clairvaux: On Loving God,” in Christian Spirituality. The Classics, edited by Arthur Holder (London and New York: Routledge, 2010): 86 – 97.

“Wir Sind Brennendes,” in Deutscher Evangelischer Kirchentag Bremen, edited by Silke Lechner (Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus, 2010): 326 – 30.

E Pluribus Unum? Der ‘weitersprechende Gott’ in der pluralistischen Gesellschaft Nordamerikas'" in Die Sichtbarkeit des christlichen Glaubens: Kirche und Theologie in der Öffentlichkeit, edited by Henning Wrogemann (Neukirchen-Vluyn, Germany: Neukirchner Verlag, 2010): 14 – 24.

“In a Dark Time,” Weavings 24 (2009): 36 – 43.

“Clothing, Commerce, and Character,” Wild Apples 4 (2009): 34 – 8.

“The Hardest Love We Carry,” Weavings 23 (2008): 36 – 45.

“Wilson Chapel: A New Meetinghouse for a School ‘Set on a Hill,’” in Faith and Form: The Interfaith Journal on Religion, Art and Architecture (2008): 16 – 20.

“Reviving Election Day Sermons,” The Common (2008): 1 – 3.

“Die Laterne der Barmherzigkeit,“ die Bibelarbeit für die Synode der Evangelischen Kirche

Im Rheinland, in Wirtschaften für das Leben: Stellungnahme zur wirtschaftlichen Globalisierung und ihren Herausforderungen für die Kirchen. Ergebnisse derLandessynode 2008 (May, 2008): 133 – 37.

“Complexity, Failure, and Hope in Interreligious Relationships,” The Old South Reporter                                   (Winter, 2008): 1 – 4.

“Vigils and the Rest,” Weavings 22 (2007): 23 – 33.

“God is a Word Unspoken: Reading Bernard McGinn’s The Flowering of Medieval Mysticism,” The Harvard Theological Review (January, 2007).

“Julian of Norwich” and “Jean Gerson” in Dictionary of Major Biblical Interpreters, edited by Donald McKim (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2007).

“Allegorical Reading and Monastic Body-Building: Bernard of Clairvaux on the Song of Songs,” in Scrolls of Love. Essays on Ruth and the Song of Songs. Edited by Peter S. Hawkins and Lesleigh Cushing. New York, 2007.

“Eine andere Welt ist möglich: Die Berufung einer Kirche für gerechten Frieden in einer Globalisierten Welt,“ in Evangelischer Pressedienst Dokumentation 2 (2006): 27 – 34.

“‘There’s a Thread You Follow’: A Contemporary Appropriation of St. Benedict’s Rule,” On the Way. The Teaching Church, edited by Frederick R. Trost. Minneapolis, MN, 2005.

“Another World Is Possible: The Vocation of a Just Peace Church in a Globalized World,”

in UCC/UEK Newsletter (2005): 47 – 57.

“Jesus Goes to the Yard Sales,” Weavings 20 (2005): 28 – 36.

“‘Peering into the Abyss of the Future’: Empire in the Age of Globalization and the Call for a New Ecumenism,” Theologies and Cultures 2 (2005): 26 – 55.

“Allegory” and “Poetry and Poetics,” in Dictionary of Christian Spirituality. Philip Sheldrake, editor, London and Louisville, KY: SCM Press and Westminster/John Knox, 2005.

“’Raiding the Inarticulate’: Mysticism, Poetics, and the Unlanguageable.” Spiritus 4 (2004); also published in Minding the Spirit. The Study of Christian Spirituality, edited by Mark S. Burrows and Elizabeth Dreyer. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2004.

“Hunters, Hounds, and Allegorical Readers: The Body of the Text and the Text of the Body in Bernard of Clairvaux’s Sermons on the Song of Songs.Studies in Spirituality 14 (2004).

“Dismantling The Da Vinci Code: Gospel Fantasy,” The Christian Century 121 (2004).

“Grace Shaped in Weakness,” Weavings 19 (2004).

“The Thread of Life: Marks of Community in Saint Benedict’s Rule,” CrossPoint 15: 2 (2002): 11 – 15 (part 1) and 15: 3 (2002): 40 – 5 (part 2).

“‘To Taste With the Heart’: Allegory, Poetics, and the Deep Reading of Scripture,” Interpretation (2002): 168 – 202.

“The Future of Kirchengemeinschaft: Ecclesial Partnership as Mission and Vocation for our Churches,” in The EKU/UCC Bulletin 19/1 (2002): 12 – 15.

“Deep Calls to Deep,” in “You Gave the Weary Your Hand”: Bearing Witness to the Light, through the Shadows of September 11, 2001 (Madison, WI: The UCC/EKU Working Group, 2001).

“At the Boundary of Imagination: Rainer Maria Rilke and the Poetics of Theological Negation,” Studies in Spirituality (Fall, 2000), 33 – 50.

“Jean Gerson,” Dictionary of Biblical Interpretation, edited by John Hayes (Nashville: Abingdon, 1999), 443 – 44.

“Andover Newton Theological School: Traditions, Transitions, Trajectories,” The American Baptist Quarterly 18 (1999): 131 – 43.

“Foundations for an Erotic Christology: Bernard of Clairvaux on Jesus as ‘Tender Lover,’“ The Anglican Theological Review 80 (1998), 477 – 93.

“Jean Gerson” Major Biblical Interpreters, edited by Donald McKim (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1998).

“Jean Gerson,” Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, edited by Norman Kretzmann (London: Routledge, 1998).

 “‘And Yett He Sufferyth With Us’: Divine Suffering in Julian of Norwich’s Revelation of Love,” Studies in Spirituality 7 (1997): 99 – 112.

“‘There the Dance Is’: Entering the Landscape of Spirituality,” The American Baptist Quarterly (March, 1997).

“Introduction” and translation of excerpt from Martin Luther, The Sermon on the Mount, in A Critical Reader in the Theological Interpretation of Scripture, edited by Stephen Fowl, Cambridge, England, 1996.

“Imagination, Fiction, and the Raising of the Dead: The Spider’s Web and the Historian’s Art,” Christian Spirituality Bulletin: The Journal of the Society for the Study of Christian Spirituality 4 (1996): 16 – 19.

“‘Poetry Makes Nothing Happen’: The Lesson and the Arts,” Lectionary Homiletics 7 (1996): 5 – 6, 16 – 17, 24, 33.

“Words That Reach Into the Silence: Mystical Languages of Unsaying,” Christian Spirituality Bulletin: The Journal of the Society for the Study of Christian Spirituality 3 (1995): 1 – 5; also published in Minding the Spirit. The Study of Christian Spirituality, edited by Mark S. Burrows and Elizabeth Dreyer, Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2004.

“The Pluralism of Grace: Homosexuality and Communion in the Church,” On the Way 12 (1995): 5 – 25.

“Naming the God Beyond Names: Wisdom from the Tradition on the Old Problem of God Language,” Modern Theology 9 (1993): 37 – 53.

“Globalization, Pluralism, and Ecumenics: The Old Question of Catholicity in a New Cultural Horizon,” Journal of Ecumenical Studies 29 (1992): 346 – 67.

“In Defense of Allegory: On Entering the ‘Shadows’ of the Biblical Text,” in Occasional Papers of the Institute for Ecumenical and Cultural Research (1992).

“‘A Unity Reflecting God’: A Dionysian Approach to Intrinsic Ecumenism and the ‘Separated Churches,’” Mid-Stream 31 (1992): 200 – 21.

“An Aesthetic of Ecumenism for the Divided Churches,” New Theology Review 5 (1992): 88 – 93.

“C. C. Goen, Historian of the Church,” American Baptist Quarterly 10 (1991): 246 – 55. “Jean Gerson on ‘the Traditioned Sense’ of Scripture as an Argument for an Ecclesial Hermeneutic,” in Biblical Hermeneutics in Historical Perspective, edited by Mark S. Burrows and Paul Rorem. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1991.

“Gerson after Constance: Via Media et Regia as a Revision of the Ockhamist Covenant,” Church History 59 (1990); awarded “The Sidney E. Mead Prize” by the American Society of Church History, 1990.

“Christianity in the Roman Forum: Tertullian and the Apologetic Use of History,” in The Christian and Judaic Invention of History, edited by Jacob Neusner, Atlanta, GA: Scholars Press, 1990.

Devotio Moderna: Reforming Faith in the Fifteenth Century,” in Spiritual Traditions for the Contemporary Church. Edited by Robin Maas, Gabriel O’Donnell, Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1990.

“The Catholic Revision of an American Myth: The Ecclesiology of Orestes Brownson as an Apology of American Catholicism,” The Catholic Historical Review 76 (1990): 18 – 43.

Translator, Wilhelm Neuser, “Calvin’s Understanding of the Notae Fidelium: An Overlooked Facet of The Institutes (IV.1.8),” in Probing the Reformed Tradition:  Festschrift for Edward E. Dowey, Jr., edited by Elsie McKee, Brian Armstrong., Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1989.

“Christianity in the Roman Forum: Tertullian and the Apologetic Use of History,” Vigiliae Christianae 42 (1988): 209 – 35.

Christus intra nos vivens: The Peculiar Shape of Bullinger’s Doctrine of Sanctification,” Die Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte 98 (1987): 48 – 69.

“A Historical Reconsideration of Newman and Liberalism: Newman and Mivart on Science and the Church,” The Scottish Journal of Theology 40 (1987): 399 – 419.

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“Another Look at the Sources of De Consolatione Philosophiae: Boethius’ Echo of Augustine’s Doctrine of Providentia,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Patristic, Medieval, and Renaissance Studies (1986): 27 – 41.