"At the Last": a new poem inspired by Meister Eckhart

Mark S. Burrows
I recently read in a book (who can fathom this?) that God
is creating the world even now as on the first day.
—Meister Eckhart
About beginnings we speculate at best,
knowing that each day is another place
to start again and sense that in the toil
of our making so much depends on
dwelling in the present; all this we capture
in the little word now and its sibling here.
Attending to each moment defines what
we know of rapture and the ways of art
and love, reminding us that we are part
of a pattern too simple to ever fully know,
renewed again and again in each moment
of every day, our lives like pages in an
unfinished book where alpha bears
omega’s draw in each line and word.
And though we often feel ourselves
thrown into an absurd tumble of
things, each part is somehow caught
in what will ultimately converge, at
the last, all this carried on with us
in the flow of an unceasing yes.
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